Sensory Integration

As a parent, you see your child’s pain and frustration.  You know he’s struggling. That’s what life with Sensory Processing Disorder is – a constant struggle.  Imagine being in a body that won’t do what you want it to do, especially when you’re trying as hard as you can to do the right thing.

As a child, you know you are good.  You know right from wrong and you want so much to please your mom and dad and the teacher. Instead, you end up irritating other people. Your body just won’t obey.

Many of our clients tell us that we’re the first people who are able to fully understand what they’re going through.  Parents express relief at finding someone who is able to explain what’s happening and someone who doesn’t run away from, but rather embraces, their son or daughter.

We understand what your child is going through and we know it’s not his fault.  It is not caused by poor behavior or a desire on your child’s part to be bad.  The cause of his struggle is neurologically based.  Simply put:  Your child cannot control himself, no matter how hard he tries, no matter how much he is yelled at, and no matter what behavior consequences are put in place. The stress, frequent failing, and confusion, combined with a body that is struggling, are devastating for your child and for you.



Impacting Children


Treated Patents


Empowered Women


Through Job Oriented Courses
