Handwriting Management

The first five years of a child’s life is full of milestones. From first steps to learning to ride a bike, caregivers cherish these milestones as they watch little ones grow. 

In education, there are many important milestones, and the timeline for each is unique to every child. Preschoolers’ minds are like little sponges, soaking up everything around them. Teachers and parents work with kids on important skills, including fine motor skills that can be tough for little ones to master. 

With practice, support and lots of fun, preschoolers will learn the basics of handwriting so they are ready to succeed on their next big adventure: kindergarten!

Handwriting is one such skill, and the preschool years are the perfect time to introduce fundamental knowledge about letter formation. Every child will learn at their own pace, so it’s important to be patient and encouraging. In due time, any child will be able to write their own name, and that’s an amazing milestone you both can feel proud of!



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